10 Simple Strategies for Referral Marketing for Lawyers

10 Simple Strategies for Referral Marketing for Lawyers

Referral marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your client base as a lawyer or as a law firm. This is how it works: when you deliver exceptional service, your clients are likely to refer you to other prospects. And the cycle continues, thereby generating traffic and cases for your business without boring a hole in your pocket.

As highlighted above, one way to get a referral coming your way is to deliver a great service. But there several other way you can maximize this form of marketing

In this article, we will walk you through 10 simple strategies that can help you boost your referral marketing as a lawyer. Let’s discuss them below.


1. Build Strong Relationships with Clients

First thing first, cultivate the practice of building a strong relationship with your clients. They will always have you in mind when they—or anyone else needs the services of a lawyer. Here is how you can build a relationship with them.

  • Offer excellent service: Go above and beyond to satisfy your client. This is the best form of marketing you can practice. Many people like to feel good that they referred to the right person for their friend. This will make them bring you new clients. But first, provide excellent service.
  • Stay connected: Show genuine care for your client by checking on them even after business is done. When they feel genuinely cared for, they will tell you about others without you having to tell them to refer you.
  • Be approachable: When clients feel comfortable talking to you, they feel heard. This is an underrated feeling that gets them to go out of their way and sing your praises to the public.

2. Ask for Referrals

This is one you are most  familiar with, and it still works. Word of mouth marketing never gets old. Tell as many as you can to refer to you to other people. They will be happy to do this for you because they love a sense of duty and inclusivity. 

3. Partner with Other Lawyers

Like you did with clients, building a good rapport with other attorneys puts you in a better position to be referred to. Attend network events and connect with your colleagues, especially attorneys in other practice areas. When they come across a case they don’t specialize in, they can push them your way if you specialize in them.

Another way to partner with your colleagues regarding referral is making an agreement with them to get a certain percentage from you when they recommend someone to you. 

4. Connect with Other Professionals

Besides lawyers, other professionals, like accountants, financial advisors, and real estate agents, often work with clients who might need legal services. Building relationships with these professionals can lead to valuable referrals.

Build your network of various professionals by attending local business events in other industries and be intentional about connecting with the right people.

5. Offer Referral Incentives

While this won’t work in every situation—especially in legal practices where it’s not ethical—in some areas, offering a small incentive for referrals can motivate people to send clients your way. Be sure to check your state’s rules of professional conduct before offering any incentives to ensure it’s allowed.

If direct payments aren’t allowed, you could offer non-monetary rewards, such as free consultations or discounts on future services for your clients.

6. Leverage Social Proofs

Social proofs are a powerful in driving clients into your pipeline. People like to know what they are getting their money into—whether it’s worth investing in or not. When you leverage  social proofs such s good reviews, client testimonials, case studies, etc, you attract your target audience easily.

Results are powerful; show them as many times as you have to on social media, that’s where many of your target audience spend their time.

7. Stay Active on Social Media

Social media isn’t just for fun or personal use, it’s also a great place to elevate your marketing as a lawyer. Start by sharing valuable content in your field. You can do a bit of research on the topics you want to create content on to be sure it is high in demand.

The more you address a topic your target audience is interested in, the higher chance of converting them, or at least, getting them curious to make inquiries.

Be present, people love when they have direct conversation with whom they’re looking to work with.

LinkedIn is a great place to start if you are considering a social platform to build on.

8. Track Your Highest Traffic Referral Source

Take note of your referral source that brings in the most traffic. You can achieve this by asking your referrals how they got to hear about you. This will help you understand where to intensify your effort for maximum impact.

Such channels should be given special attention and modified as many times as you can to increase the lead.

On the flip side, try to find out what is working on such a source and see if it can be replicated on the rest of your sources.

9. Keep in Touch with Former Clients

Just because you’ve finished working with a client doesn’t mean the relationship has to end. Staying in touch keeps you top of mind for future referrals.

  • Send regular newsletters: Share legal tips, bring them up to speed with the latest happening in the legal world, or send other helpful material. The more they read from you, the more you stay on top of their mind.
  • Follow up on anniversaries: Sending a check-in message on the anniversary of their case is a simple but meaningful way to stay connected. Little gestures like this make them smile and feel genuinely cared for.
  • Use social media: Reach out to old clients on social media to know how they are doing. It doesn’t have to be transactional business always, reaching out to old clients sends a good signal to them, and when they or someone they know needs a lawyer again, they’ll turn to you first.

10. Establish Thought Leadership

This is a lofty height for any lawyer to reach, but if you are able to, clients will come to you almost effortlessly. Start by sharing insights on legal topics on social media, offering a unique perspective.

No, you don’t have to reinvent any wheel, have a unique voice, and share meaningful tips or insights and you would be good.

Be patient though, it takes time to perfect this.

  • Share insights in the legal world
  • Offer unique perspective
  • Develop your voice

Targeted Referral Marketing for Your Law Firm

Referral marketing does not have to be difficult, but it can be if you are doing it all by yourself, especially if it’s completely new to you. moreso, the legal niche is quite competitive.

You don’t need to go through all that stress; at Legal Bridge Partner, we will deploy our most effective referral marketing strategy to see you take the lead in the legal world. Get in touch now, and let’s get you connected with your goals in no time.

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